Remembering Pat Polowsky Beloved Cheese Scientist, Teacher and Mentor
Patrick "P.J." Polowsky passed away on August 29, 2021 at the tender age of 29. He was a much-loved member of the cheese community, a gifted educator with a unique style and endearing personality. Adored for his sense of humor and good nature, he had an outsized talent for making complicated science easy to understand.
He will be remembered for his classes and for creating teaching tools, including numerous videos and especially infographics that simplified scientific concepts. Cheesemonger, author and Cheese Professor contributor Gordon Edgar recounts, “I spent many years going to cheese talks by dairy scientists where the science was way over my head, trying to take in little bits at a time and hoping my knowledge grew. It was a frustrating way to learn and often I would get completely lost. With a few simple charts and graphics, Pat helped me break through my cheese science blocks and understand some parts of cheesemaking in ways I never had been able to before, even though I had been working in cheese for about 20 years before I met him.” We recently shared a link in our newsletter to a research study that Polowsky coauthored showing that infographics improve learning outcomes. Sadly, that was one of his last of many accomplishments.
While food science was his field, cheese was definitely his specialty. He served as the director of online education and was an instructor for the Vermont Cheese Council and held several roles at the Center for Dairy Research. He was also a frequent presenter at the American Cheese Society and was a Certified Cheese Professional, with a BS in Food Science from Purdue, an MS in Nutrition and Food Science from the University of Vermont. At the time of his passing, he was working on his PhD at Purdue. He held both teaching and product development roles in his career. He also worked part time as cheesemonger at Fromagination where owner Ken Monteleone recalls, “He was instrumental in educating our team and sharing his passion for cheese with everyone he encountered. We called Pat our geeky cheese scientist. On Saturdays when Pat would cheesemonger, he was always sharing insights into the science of cheese. His cheese bites and passion will be passed down for generations to come.”
His award-winning site Cheese Science Toolkit was the "go-to" site for making the science of cheese understandable. “His webinars and seminars were fun and entertaining. He spoke with a simplicity we could all understand. He had a great sense of humor and loved bad puns... very bad puns,” recalls fellow Certified Cheese Professional Marcella Wright.
His cheese flavor wheel , which he made available to anyone who wanted it, is a perfect example of his dazzling skills and generosity. “I wish he realized how much I appreciated him even though I barely knew him,” said Edgar, a sentiment shared by many. On social media a memorial page overflows with stories and anecdotes from friends and colleagues. Common themes are the appreciation for his volunteering, and though he was very young, his incredible mentorship, support, and kindness towards others, especially students and cheese professionals.
Polowsky leaves behind an incredible legacy which fortunately will be carried forward by the Center for Dairy Research. In addition, a scholarship has been set up for graduate food science students called the Patrick Polowsky Memorial Scholarship. It will award $2000 to an undergrad food science student.
Donate to the Purdue scholarship endowment
Give to the National Alliance on Mental Illness in his home state of Indiana
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